Test Utilization

Influenza Testing Recommendation (December 2023)

Influenza cases numbers are currently increasing throughout West Michigan. Influenza prevalence guides the most appropriate testing approach and sufficient prevalence has now been reached for influenza rapid antigen or point of care testing (e.g. Sofia instrument) to have improved performance. The use of point of care testing as a screening method during high prevalence reduces both the cost to the patient and turn-around-time as compared to lab-based molecular methods. Point of care tests generally have high analytical specificity, but lack the sensitivity of nucleic acid amplification methods (e.g. PCR). For this reason, PCR testing is still recommended for hospitalized patients and for outpatients with a negative result if influenza is still suspected and if the result will impact clinical decision making.

Low influenza prevalence High influenza prevalence
Recommended order Influenza PCR  Influenza Point of Care Testing
Influenza PCR 

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General Information

Ludington Lab Testing Update

In pursuit of best practice and alignment, as the only regional laboratory performing Legionella Antigen testing,  Corewell Health Ludington will be consolidating this low volume testing by sending it to our core lab.

Beginning January 1, 2024, all specimens for Legionella Antigen, Urine testing collected at Corewell Health Ludington sites will be sent to Corewell Health Reference Laboratory West in Grand Rapids for testing.  All other details regarding the test remain the same. Continue Reading


Discontinuation Pyruvic Acid

Effective Wednesday, November 29, 2023, the in-house test, Pyruvic Acid, will be made inactive. Recommended alternative testing is Pyruvic Acid, Blood [LAB1231461] which is referred to Mayo Clinic Laboratories. Please review the lab catalog for information on new specimen requirements and updated reference range information. Due to the update in reference ranges, this may disrupt trending data.

The test Lactate/Pyruvate Ratio will also be inactivated with no alternative testing. If you require assistance with obtaining the ratio, please Contact Us. Continue Reading

Advanced Technology Laboratory, Compliance & Safety, General Information

Genetic Testing Informed Consent

Submission of an order for any predictive genetic tests and pre-symptomatic genetic tests, as defined by MCL 333.17020, contained in Corewell Health laboratory catalog constitutes certification to Corewell Health Laboratories that the ordering physician understands that written, informed consent is required for these tests and that, by submitting an order for these genetic tests, ordering physician has obtained “Informed Consent” of subject patient as required by any applicable state or federal laws with respect to each test ordered. On occasion, we forward a specimen to an outside reference laboratory. Corewell Health laboratories may request that ordering physician provide such consent to Corewell Health upon a reasonable request.

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General Information, Hematology

CBC Unit Updates

On Monday, November 20, 2023, Corewell Health Laboratories West will adjust several hematology result components units of measure. The numerical results will be unchanged, the metric units will be adjusted to achieve standardization across the system and will align our labs with the International Society of Laboratory Hematology’s recommendations for standardization of hematology reporting units in blood counts.

The following parameter will be adjusted because of this change: Continue Reading