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Update: PT/INR Resulting Change

The Spectrum Health Laboratory Coagulation Department announces the following changes occurring on 6.29.21 because of new instrumentation:

• New coagulation instrumentation will go-live on 6.29.21.

• This new instrumentation will align the Spectrum Health Regional Laboratory (in GR) with current Regional/Blodgett reportable upper limit for Protime/INR results.

• The current Protime (PT) upper limit of 120 seconds will change to 90 seconds. Any result that is greater than 90 seconds, will be reported as >90 seconds.

• The current INR upper limit of 12.0 will change to 8.0. Any result that is greater than 8.0 will be reported as >8.0.

Any questions can be directed to the Spectrum Health Regional Laboratory Coagulation Department using the Contact Us link above.


PT/INR (Protime with INR): Epic Code #LAB320 | Interface code #10059 | CPT #85610


New Test: Thrombin Time

Effective March 4th, 2020, Thrombin Time will change from a sendout reference test performed by Mayo Clinic Laboratories to an in-house test performed by Spectrum Health Regional Laboratory. This test will be performed in the Coagulation Laboratory and will include a new reference range (please see link in Test Information below).

Thrombin Time is suitable for monitoring fibrinolysis therapy, screening for disorders of fibrin formation and in cases of suspected fibrinogen deficiency states. It is also useful for the differentiation between a heparin induced prolongation of the thrombin time and fibrin formation disorders.

For questions around this test, please contact the Coagulation Department at 616-267-2740.


Thrombin Time – Epic Code: #LAB11230581, Interface Code: #11230581, CPT: #85670