
Result Reporting Change of Nucleated Cells in Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Counts

Cell Count w/ Differential if indicated, Cerebrospinal Fluid [LAB2111025] and Cell Count with Differential, Cerebrospinal Fluid (Pediatric Oncology) [LAB212] currently result nucleated cell counts as a White Blood Cell (WBC) count.

Effective Tuesday, August 16, 2022, the WBC component will be removed and instead reported as a Total Nucleated Cell (TNC) Count for CSF.

This change is to align with the College of American Pathologists (CAP) regulatory requirements around the result reporting of nucleated cells in body fluids (HEM.35650).

The reference ranges for nucleated cell counts in CSF will remain unchanged. This change will not alter which cells are counted or how cells are counted in the CSF.

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