Compliance & Safety, Cytology, General Information, Main lab, Test Utilization

Pap Test Order Update

Effective Thursday, October 24, 2019, Pap Test orderable will be updated to meet current ASCCP criteria

The order question HPV Reflex with answers “If ASCUS or AGUS, If NIL, ASCUS or AGUS, Always or No Reflex HPV will be removed.

It will be replaced with: “Is HPV Requested?” with available answers “Co-testing, HPV Reflex, or No HPV” These options will reflex HPV High Risk based on identified criteria.

Is HPV Requested?

a. If NO HPV testing is desired, select “No” and only the pap test will be ordered.

b. If YES, HPV testing is desired, select one of two options:

i. CO-TESTING (30-64 y/o)

1. If Co-testing is selected, the HPV test will be ordered and performed.

2. Note: Co-testing is recommended for patients aged 30-64.  Any orders requesting Co-Testing on patients under 30 will not be performed.


1. If reflex is selected the HPV test will only be performed in the following scenarios:

a. The pap test final diagnosis is NIL and the patient is between ages 30-64.

b. The pap test final diagnosis is ASCUS and the patient is between ages 21-64.

c. The pap test final diagnosis is LSIL and the patient is between ages 25-64 and is not pregnant.

c. The HPV Genotype test will automatically reflex for all patients between the ages of 30-64 with a NIL pap test diagnosis and a positive HPV test diagnosis.

1. Note: Add on HPV and HPV Genotype tests can be added up to 4 weeks from the collection date.


If you use paper requisitions, please order new Anatomic Pathology (AP) requisitions via the supply form.

Questions may be directed to the Cytology department via the “Contact Us” link.



PAP Test – Epic #LAB1230097, Interface #1230097, CPT #88175

HPV High Risk Screen – Epic #LAB263, Interface #10719, CPT #87624


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